Error: QuickBooks has stopped working after installing QuickBooks 2014 R6 update

After installing the latest release for QuickBooks 2014 or Enterprise Solutions v14, you may see the error “QuickBooks has stopped working” when opening your company file.
What you can try now

Intuit recommends 2 solutions for this problem. The first solution may solve your problem, or you may need to try all 2 to resolve the issue. For best results, perform the solutions in the order shown. Solution 1: Reset QuickBooks Updates

  1. Make sure QuickBooks is closed.
  2. You will need to be on the No Company Open Screen:
    • Open QuickBooks with the CTRL key held down (as QuickBooks is opening). If your file opens to the login screen, click Cancel to return you to the No Company Open screen.
  3. From the No Company Open screen, choose the Help menu, Update QuickBooks, and click on the UpdateNow tab.
  4. Check the Reset Update box and click Get Updates.
  5. Once the update is complete, close QuickBooks and re-open it.

Solution 2: Perform a A clean install of QuickBooks 2014 (only do this if solution 1 above does not work).